Our hope is to see children and families live life with God, encounter Jesus enjoy engaging with their church and be equipped for life.
Emily Stone – Children and Families Pastor
Please contact Emily for more information
Sundays during the Summer Holidays

Sunday Mornings
Below are the Children’s Groups which we run on a Sunday morning during the 11am service. (Please see the Youth page for children in Year 6 and above.)
-Family Time (0 – 4 years old with their parent/carer)
-Younger Group (Reception – Y2)
-Older Group (Y3 – Y5)
Children join in with their families at All-Age Services which run on the second Sunday of the month.
Teddybears Under 5s Group
0 – 5 year olds and families. Every Thursday during term time 10-11:30
A lively and friendly group for 0 – 5 year olds and their parents/carers who meet in the Church between 10a.m. and 11.30 a.m. every Thursday in term-time. We have lots of space with exciting toys to play with, simple crafts to make and friends to meet. We have a snack time of fruit and juice for the children, and we finish with a sing-song. Cost £2 per family.
Teddybears will start back on Thursday 12th September 2024. Keep an eye on the Facebook page, ‘TeddyBears Toddler Group’, for updates.
Ladybirds Preschool
A Church supported preschool with great facilities, a large classroom with free flow external play area, its own kitchen, child sized toilets and offices. Do go to their website for more details or alternatively phone 01722 502234.