1. What for you is a “Day of Rest”? In what way is it different? In which ways do you rest? 2. Do you tend more towards law or mis-placed liberalism? Am…
1. What are the "stones" - the top priorities in your life? 2. What are the "pebbles" - the things of second importance? 3. What is the "sand" - other…
1 What is the best thing Jesus has done for you? The good news according to YOU? 2 Jesus’ first call was “Come, follow me” How do you follow Jesus…
1. What short cut might you be tempted to take this week instead of following Jesus on the narrow, more difficult path to life? 2. How do you think…
1. How do you feel about your name? Are you comfortable with it? Does it suit you? Are there names you have been called that have left a scar on you?…
Questions to ponder from Philippians 1: "Joy not Resentment" Despite terribly difficult circumstances, Paul bubbles over with joy as he writes his letter to this little church. 1. Is there…
Matthew 8.5-13 Jesus saw the great faith of a Roman Centurion and it amazed him. Most of us like to think of ourselves as fair-minded and kind, yet we are…
Questions for reflection from Luke 24.13-35 - the road to Emmaus People can get close to others on a journey or over a meal. Has that been your experience? What…