29th March 2020

I am he

Passage: John 18:1-9
Service Type:

In John's gospel, Jesus describes himself as "I am ...": John 6.35 I am the bread of life / John 8.12 I am the light of the world / John 10.7/11  I am the gate and the good Shepherd / Jn 11.27 I am the resurrection and the Life / John 14.6 I am the way, the truth and the life / John 15.1 I am the true vine / John 18.5,6,8 I am He.


1.  To which of these images do you relate most easily? Why is that?

2. How might knowing these verses help you to share your faith with another person?

3. In the light of our current covid-19 crisis, which of the "I am sayings" has the greatest cultural relevance?

4. Which of these 7 are you most likely to remember in 6 months' time?

5. If you had to invent another "I am" saying for Jesus, what would it be?


