Question to reflect on: "What are the three things you'd want everyone to know about Jesus?"
1. What from your own childhood gave you inner strength for life? 2. What helped you know that you were loved by your dad or another care giver? 3. What are the…
1. Where are you at with the Holy Spirit today - surfing, racing or touring? 2. Does your heart feel the right ’shape’ for where you are? 3. Which areas do you…
1 How far are you like Naaman, with pre-conceived ideas over how God should work? 2 Do you find you sometimes try to "earn" God's grace? 3 When have you had to…
Questions you might like to use to keep reflecting on this story: 1. How will you consecrate yourself to God? How will you give yourself to him? 2. How might you try…
1. What for you are the key signs of Christians who are “filled with the Spirit” of Jesus? 2. What refills us with God’s Spirit – and what empties us? 3. How…
1. To whom might we need to be an "Ananias" to welcome or pray for them? 2. Saul became "Paul" (meaning little). How is Jesus wanting you to grow? What is…
Questions to reflect on: 1. What have been some significant moments for you in your journey of faith? 2. What evidence/ experiences have helped given you confidence in your faith? 3. What layer…
1. Do you feel you are plugged in to God at the moment? 2. When you share your faith with someone, do you usually start with what you believe or what…
1. How do you personally identify with the man born blind? 2. How have your circumstances provided an opportunity for God’s grace to work in your life? 3. ’The light shines in…