Jesus Walks on the Water

9th August 2020
1.What has God called you to / where is God calling you to obey even though you may not know what is ahead? 2.What kind of obstacles are you facing?…

Peace not Anxiety

26th July 2020
1.How is Jesus inviting you to abide in him this week and discover peace? 2.How can thanksgiving become the central focus of your prayers? What could the result be? 3.How…

Grace not Effort

19th July 2020
1. How does Jesus’s upside-down Kingdom where “the last will be first, and the first will be last." compare to what we see in our culture? 2. Are there times…
1) Whose interests do you feel prompted to put first this week? 2) What did the wood bending analogy speak to you about? 3) How do we appreciate those God…
Questions to ponder from Philippians 1: "Joy not Resentment" Despite terribly difficult circumstances, Paul bubbles over with joy as he writes his letter to this little church. 1.  Is there…
1. Being made into a new creation is a continuous process. What is God wanting to do in your life during this season? 2. Committed, Intentional, Carrying and Affectionate. What…