Jesus Central - So many needs. From St Francis Church Salisbury by Rev. Paul Taylor. Released: 2015
Jesus Central - Centred by Prayer. Rev. Paul Taylor continues our latest series Jesus Central. Looking at how Jesus is central to our daily life using the book of Mark…
"Sports Life - Perseverance" by Tom Coopey. Keep up-to-date via Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.
Sports Life - Competition from St Francis Church Salisbury by Kate Moody. Remember to follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram for all the latest.
"Sports Life - Losing" from St Francis Church Salisbury by Paul Taylor. Remeber to follow St Francis on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter for all the latest.
Rev. Tom Coopey continues our series "Sports Life" with "Winning". Remember to check out our Facebook, Twitter & Instagram accounts.
Sportsmanship - Rev. Paul Taylor continues our latest series 'Sports Life'. Remember you can follow us on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter @stfrancissarum
"Sports Life - Preparation" a talk from St Francis Church Salisbury by Rev. Tom Coopey. Also follow us via Facebook, Twitter & Instagram; search @stfrancissarum
Kate Moody brings us a talk on healing. Remember you can find us on Instagram, Twitter & Facebook.
Rev. Penny Joyce brings a talk on Pentecost; continuing the series "The Spirit's Mission"