Hebrews 12:1-3 & John 15:1-8 Rev. Penny Joyce continues our series "Making Sense of God" with how to "Fix your eyes on Jesus".
Psalm 34. Rev. Tessa Mann starts our new summer talk series "Making Sense of God" with a talk 'Taste and see that the Lord is good'
Rev. Tom Coopey wraps up our series "Just Walk Across The Room". Based in Luke 5:1-11.
Stories are big make up of our cultural make up. The events of the past become the stories of tomorrow. We love to share our stories with others. What is…
Rev. Paul Taylor begins our new series about reaching out. Based in part on the book by Bill Hybels: Just Walk Across the Room.
It's Pentecost - happy birthday church! Rev. Tom Coopey continues our series Believing in our Community. Follow along in Acts 2: 1-21.
We aim to be a church that is... a body: alive, vibrant and prayerful - Not an institution, but a movement of radical love. Paul Taylor takes us through Romans…
The second in our series Believing in Our Community. Paul Taylor talks on Mark 10 and James 2 under the title of A Community of Generous Acceptance. It's a sign…